Drystone.co | a stone at a time

"a stone at a time…"


Building community and the arts throughout Derbyshire and beyond

A Stone At A Time

A not-for-profit initiative to celebrate the County through creativity, heritage and sharing

The Drystone Chronicles

Last year (2019) the arts and culture sector grew by £390 million, a record in any industry, contributing £10.8 billion to the UK economy.

Then the curtain fell. The lights went out. Coronavirus hit.

Four friends from Derbyshire set about finding what they could do to help their creative communities. Sidestepping the issue was not an option when building and re-building are so needed.

Drystone, unanimously agreed from the outset, was to be a not-for-profit initiative aimed at harnessing and encouraging creativity throughout Derbyshire and beyond. The ambition is to make Drystone as central a part of our communities as the walls themselves.

However perceived the cultural landscape has shifted with recovery best served by building from the ground up – “a stone at a time,” recognising the roles of writers, actors, musicians and all like-minded players to better our wellbeing and bring communities together.

Drystone is striving to make good those shared experiences currently in suspension.

Drystone is:

Sir Michael Morpurgo
Mick Peat
Artistic Director
John Tams
Music Producer, Sound Recordist
Barry Coope
Pete Bullock
Administrator and Chair
Janet Bostock
Honorary Treasurer
Garry Peat MIoD, C Dir, BA (Hons), FCMA
Ben Adwick, Bob Rushton, Fury Wildfyre, Jack Sheperd, Jim Rolley, John Leonard, Katy Coope, Kirstie Adamson, Maxine Howesman, Narthen, Paul Broesmith, Wesley Mallin

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